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CV / Résumé Consultations

The Acorn Services Group Rethink your Résumé services are ideal for everyone who needs a professional résumé and is thinking about a new beginning, career change, re-entering the work force, or seeking a professional career makeover.

Our professional resume services are designed to assist you with creating or revamping your resume.  These confidential consultations are tailored to suit your individual needs.

The initial consultation includes an assessment of:

your career goals and
your transferable skills.
A review of :

your current resume and
supporting documentation.
An alignment of your resume with

your career goals,
your skills and experience and
terminology that gets your resume noticed.
We also discuss what human resource professionals and employers are looking for and how to align your resume for your ideal career.

To arrange this services or for more information contact us.

Developing lifelong partnerships in success

Recruitment – Careers – Consulting – Training

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