The Acorn Group’s mission is to exceed our clients’ expectations. We are committed to providing superior recruitment for clients, and act as the conduit for creating the ideal match between employers and employees.
I have been meeting with Annette for more than 3 years and she has helped me to identify what I want and has given me the tools and motivation to go on and accomplish my life and business goals.
I highly recommend Annette as she has a wealth of experience with career and life advice that has helped me to become a more effective person and live an inspirational life.”
Before I did a course and attended some private coaching sessions with Annette Hurley I was feeling disillusioned and I did not have any direction. I was feeling depressed and was getting caught up in the everyday stuff. I was not clear about what I could do or accomplish.
Annette, Thank you for your amazing help. I say amazing, because you were able to ‘cut- through’ to the central problem areas of my worry with great ease, obvious skill, and specialised knowledge. You asked exactly the right questions around the various issues that many of us face, from time to time, with career decisions and life choices generally.
You have a great warmth and a gentle way of showing empathy and respect. You got me thinking straight, and with more clarity than I have been able to muster for some time. I am now much more focused.
I was watching Sixty Minutes last night and there was a strange story about people going to retreats in the jungles of Peru – taking a herbal brew, hallucinating and finding themselves. I couldn’t help but think ‘I don’t need herbal brews, I’ve got Annette! Thanks ever so much, as always, I think you’re changing my life!
What a great Saturday morning, coffee in one hand surrounded by new friends in another. I love the pace of the workshop and the topic. I got even more clarity on a niche market with some insights to ALL of my life’s experiences and skill sets.
Thank you so much for your ability to pull together everything that buzzes around in our heads and assemble them on paper for us to see our accomplishments natural and learned for our goals/visions for where we want and need to go to achieve everything we want for ourselves in our short lives. Love your work!
Getting clear about my career was a great introductory career workshop. It gave me the tools I need to become more self-aware both with my strengths and weaknesses as well as what I am looking for in an employer. It was also a great networking opportunity. Annette’s respectful leadership style allows for a welcoming environment where all participants were encouraged to actively participate. I can’t wait to see what other workshops involve.
We provide excellence in career development and management consultations and training, delivering quality training and development programs tailored to suit both the individual and organisation’s needs.